Welcome to ECIM 2023, the European Conference on Innovation Management!

We are thrilled to extend our warmest welcome to this event, now in its third edition. It brings us great joy to announce that our conference has evolved into an international platform, attracting participants from far and wide. We are honored to be hosted in Veszprém by the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Pannonia who are organising the event in collaboration with the Corvinus University of Budapest.   

As Veszprém, the European Capital of Culture in 2023, embraces the synergy between culture and innovation, we are delighted to invite you to join us on an inspiring journey of exploration. Under the captivating theme of “Cultural innovation – Culture of innovation,” we will delve into the fundamental components of culture, community, and innovation that shape prosperous societies. Together, let’s embark on a quest to uncover practical strategies and implementation methods, unlocking the full potential of these elements. Our collective aim is to build successful innovation cultures, effectively implement cultural innovation, and foster a strong culture of innovation across nations and communities.

We warmly extend our invitation to professionals from governmental, industrial, and academic sectors, as well as passionate PhD students. Your valuable insights and perspectives are essential to our shared success. Join us on 23-24 November 2023 as we come together to unravel solutions, discover opportunities, and exchange best practices that support the fusion of culture, economy, community, and innovation.

Dr. Beáta Fehérvölgyi
Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Pannonia

Dr. habil Nikolett Deutsch
Head of Institute
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Corvinus University of Budapest